On Friday the 28th of January 2022, Global Teacher assembled a group of likeminded individuals to witness the launch of the world’s first educational, 3D-printed, solar-powered projector, Pod.

The setting for this event couldn’t have been more fitting. Displaying the message of “no one and nowhere left behind” at its heart, the Beam provided the perfect venue for Sunderland-born Global Teacher Founder Chris Nutman to share his inspiring vision of a world where digital education is accessible anywhere. Supported by the rousing words of Chair Sumi Nair, and the technical genius of Product Designer Jack Harrison, this event truly was a celebration of a charity which is changing education forever.

Here at COCO, we understand all too well the challenges associated with achieving education for all and have made it our mission to provide sustainable sources of quality education to children living in poor and marginalised communities. After being introduced to Chris and Global Teacher, we were eager to support Global Teacher’s mission of reaching one million marginalised students by 2025 and are incredibly excited to be providing Global Teacher with an opportunity to trial Pod within our Schools for Life programmes in Kenya in the coming months.
‘Made’ in the northeast ourselves, we believe strongly in working together to ensure access to resources no longer acts as a significant barrier to learning, not just in Kenya, but for the rest of the world. With both Jess and Rebecca also working within the Global Teacher team as a Trustee and Grant Writer respectively, we are incredibly excited to see where this partnership will lead and know that there are some amazing things to come.