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Work Experience at COCO – by Lucy Penhall

My name is Lucy and I was doing my work experience at COCO. I really enjoyed my week at the office as everyone was so friendly and kind, I had a project that I was set at the start of the week and that was to complete a social media report. I am interested in not only social media but also how companies and charities like COCO use social media and what goes on behind the scenes of creating a social media ‘phenomenon’ because I am quite nosey. In my five days at COCO I have researched and typed my way to the end of my report which hopefully will help COCO to improve their use of social media to appeal to a wide range of audiences.

I feel like in this week I have learnt way more than I thought I would learn about different ways to use social media but also how different charities use social media. I didn’t realise how much time went into pre writing tweets and Facebook posts and that there is a whole set of hash tags that have allocated days and times in which they should be used.

I have loved my week at COCO, it has been such a positive experience, some of my favourite aspects have been; meeting new people, having lots of fun and listening to some really good songs on the COCO Spotify playlist (THE LION KING did win the best song of the week for me) it has all been really good and I have enjoyed every day.

When I was looking for my work experience placement I didn’t want something that was what everyone else was doing I wanted to do something I found interesting and I would benefit from in the future,  not just making teas for people and sitting around doing nothing , I wanted to be productive. My dad actually recommended COCO to me as he knew about what they did and thought it would be something I would really enjoy and he was completely spot on. I have gotten a lot out of my time here at COCO, and what I have achieved and learnt at COCO has made me think that I would enjoy working with a charity or working in social media or event planning and managing as they are the things that I enjoy the most because when I do anything it has to reflect the effort that has gone into it which will make I think a well planned event.

I am really thankful that I was allowed to complete my work experience at COCO as I had such a fabulous time I don’t want to go back to school anymore next week because it will be really boring compared to COCO.

Thank you very much to all of the COCO team, I really enjoyed my work experience.


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