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Being bold for change

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Last Wednesday was International Women's Day, and to celebrate Newcastle University Business School and COCO organised an event "Celebrating Women in Women in the World of Work: Breaking the Glass Ceiling."  The theme of 2017's International Women's Day was "Be Bold For Change", and we were joined by three speakers who have been highly successful in their fields of work and had a positive impact by being bold.

Jacqui Miller-Charlton MBE spoke about the difficulties she faced working in the male dominated construction industry, and her success in setting up a global brand despite these challenges.  She spoke about the qualities needed to be a bold woman, and shared with the audience her recipe for success:

"Start with a huge spoonful of vision, add focus, drive and determination. Mix with resilience, detail and hard work. Add purpose, flexibility and bravery. Sprinkle with great communication skills in listening first and talking second then arrive confidently at the destination of your dreams." - Jacqui Miller-Charlton MBE

Bethany Ainsley, a graduate from Newcastle University Business School told the audience about her journey in setting up CIC Nouveau Wellbeing.  After graduating with a BA hons in Contemporary Dance, she founded Nouveau Wellbeing to encourage increased fitness levels, established to encourage increased fitness levels, personal development and healthy lifestyle choices - helping people and communities of all ages, abilities and backgrounds to feel positive, be active and live well.

Lucy Philipson spoke about her journey to becoming CEO of COCO, and how COCO works to empower women in remote regions of the world. She spoke about the potential and the determination that women across the world have, mentioning stories of individual women in East Africa, who through a small amount of support - whether through providing a small loan, sustainable agriculture training or a quality education - have been able to transform not only their own lives and their family's lives, but improve the livelihood of their communities.

The evening concluded with an interesting Question and Answer session hosted by COCO Chairman Steve Cram CBE, with great discussions and questions from the audience and the panel of speakers.

It was a fantastic event, COCO would like to extend thanks to Newcastle University Business School, the speakers, and everyone who attended for such a memorable and inspiring evening.

Now let us all #BeBoldForChange


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